Monthly Archives: September 2020

Peace, Pot and Protest

[Raising Peace] n.d.

The staff of the Grosvenor Rare Book Room recently processed a collection of over 350 posters that reflect the social climate of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.  From the Anti-War demonstrations sparked by the Vietnam War, to social movements for women, gay people, Native and African Americans, as well as drug culture and environmental concerns, American citizens, especially young people, believed they could make a difference. Many of these posters represent the turbulence of the period, and many of them are still relevant in some way or other today.


There are even a few psychedelic posters from a local art student who set up his own design studio on Delaware Ave. in Buffalo in 1966. Ron Whyte Studios produced only a handful of posters but a brief article from the time period refers to the thousands purchased by university bookstores in the region, including University at Buffalo, Cornell, Toronto, Harvard and Yale. Most of these were the work of designer Whyte and UB art major Emese Ronay, a refugee from the Hungarian revolution of 1956.


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Filed under Collections, Graphic Works, Local History